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Email language translation, automatic and on-demand
Similarly to automatic translation of live chat messages from the native language of the web site visitor to the language spoken by the support agent and back, it is possible to configure the system to have the same process for emails.
The translation is activated using the rules. Rule conditions can be used to select emails to be translated as coming from a certain email account or having specific keywords or cues in their subject or the body.
Automatic translation of incoming emails
To enable the translation configure one or more incoming rules using the translate action as shown on the picture below.
In the action it is possible to specify both the source and the destination language explicitly in cases rule conditions can be used to isolate emails in a specific language.
In cases when email traffic language can not be easily identified from email address, account etc. it is possible to configure the rule to detect the language automatically.
Please note, that in cases when auto-detected language is the same as the destination language the translate rule action would not be applied.
On-demand translation of incoming emails
There is a Translate command available in the context menu of incoming emails with a keyboard shortcut of Ctrl+Q.
The command provides access to the on-demand translation options shown on the screenshot below.
The source language is detected automatically, but can be corrected by the user if required.
Please note, the translation takes 15-30 seconds to complete. Once done, the email list and the preview will be refreshed automatically.
Reading of the translated messages
Both message properties and the preview will open a new tab for the translated text automatically as shown on the screenshots below.
In the email list original subjects of the translated emails are prefixed with the translated text as shown on the following picture.
On the message properties form there is a field dedicated for the translated subject:
Replying to the translated messages
In the email editor there is a translation form that opens automatically for emails translated using rules:
A typical workflow for a translated reply is as follows:
- agent is to type a reply in their language
- click the translate button or use Ctrl+Q to translate the reply and paste it in the editor
- the translated reply is inserted in the current position of the cursor
- the original reply is preserved and is accessible via the standard HTML tool-tip control
- the original reply is also kept in the outgoing email and can be viewed by the recipient of the email
To get back to the normal editing mode agents can click the red cross button and close the translate form. The form can be activated again using View → Language translation form command in the main menu: