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Calendar Setup

The Calendar feature in FocalScope is where you set the format and time zone of you global calendar. You can customize how long a week is (in workdays) and how long each workday is (in hours). This will affect the global calendar available to all users in your FocalScope environment. You can preset an the year's public holidays, company closing days as well as define the first day of the week for your region.

In the Administration screen, click the arrow highlighted by the green box until you see the wrench icon (highlighted in red). Expand the [Fine tuning] node and select the [Calendar] folder (the settings are visible in the right-hand pane).

  1. [Default time zone:] this field is required to use recurrent events. All recurrent events will use this time zone to resolve recursion. Set this field only if all users are in the same time zone.
  2. [Set first day] depending on your region, Monday or Sunday mat be the first day of the week for you.
  3. [Working hours profile:] is where you select a pre-existing working hours profile you created.
  4. The Green [+] is where you create "working hours" profiles.

We will now look at these options in more detail.


You can isolate your time zone by typing in "+/- and the hour offset" or optionally click highlighted arrow button to see the list of all the time zones and select accordingly.


Click on the arrow to set the first day of the week as used in your area.

Having clicked the green [+] button, you are presented with this popup.

  1. [Name:] is where you assign a name to your "working hours" profile.
  2. At highlight 1, you will select the workdays by ticking the flags next to the applicable day of the week.
  3. Highlight 2 is where you set the "start work" hour & minute (minutes are set 15min intervals) for each day. You do this by clicking the arrows and selecting the appropriate hour/minutes.
  4. In highlight 3 is where you set the "end work" hour & minutes for each day.

You can click the [7 day week] or [24 hour day] links to max-out the days selected and the range of hours (full 24). Click [Ok] to create your profile or click the [Holidays/Exceptions tab to set those days.


On the Holidays/Exceptions tab, we can add holidays or days the company closes. These holidays will show up on the global calendar so people can be reminded of them and plan accordingly.

  1. [Name:] type in the name of the holiday.
  2. [Date] use the calendar to pick the date and the [from] -> [to] hours to set the duration (should some internal company holidays be shorter than 24 hours).
  3. [Reset] clears the name, date and time adjustments you made. [Add] is clicked to add your configured holiday to the list and [Remove] will remove a selected holiday from the list.

Once you've set up all holidays, click [Ok] to accept or [Cancel] to discard.

For the months view, we can see 2 upcoming holidays on the calendar + weekends marked, as per our profile we created. This is visible to all people in your FocalScope environment.

Weekly view we can see working days rendered in white, weekends in blue and the current day marked in yellow. In this example, Sunday was set as the first day of the week and appears first from left to right. Ordinarily it would appear at the far right.

In daily view, work hours are rendered white, off-duty hours are rendered blue. These will change depending on how you set your working hours.

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