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How to sign up for / log into your FocalScope trial

We've made getting started with FocalScope as easy as possible and completely free of charge. To get started, you simply need to sign up for your free, 14-day trial. This article details the sign-up and log-in processes that you need to go through to start using your FocalScope trial instance.


Completing the sign-up process

Please use this link to access the sign-up page.

  1. After entering your personal details in [01 Personal Details], enter your trial account details in [02 Account Details] as follows: 
    1. In the [User Name] field, enter the name to be used for the administrator account of your FocalScope trial instance
    2. In the [Password] field, enter the password to be used for the administrator account of your FocalScope trial instance
    3. In the [Enter your password again] field, re-enter the password you entered in the [Password] field
  2. In [03 Pick your new account URL]:
    1. In the [Subdomain] field, enter the name to be used for your subdomain at FocalScope (this can be your company name or any alias you prefer). E.g., (do not enter the text marked in red)
  3. Click the [Start my free trial] button

Please notethe log-in information you require is contained in the confirmation email sent to you after you signed up for your FocalScope trial.

Figure 1 - Signing up for a FocalScope trial instance

Completing the log-in process

Please use this link to access the log-in page.

Please notethe log-in information you require is contained in the confirmation email sent to you after you signed up for your FocalScope trial.

  1. In the [FocalScope Subdomain] field, enter the same company name or alias that you entered in [03 Pick your new account URL] of the sign-up form
  2. In the [Username] field, enter the name you specified for the administrator account of your FocalScope trial instance
  3. In the [Password] field, enter the password you specified for the administrator account of you FocalScope trial instance
  4. Optionally, tick the [Remember me] flag if you don't want to be prompted for your username & password during each time you access your FocalScope trial
  5. Click the [Log in] button to access your FocalScope trial instance

    Figure 2 - Loggin in to your FocalScope trial instance

    Additional Information

    How to run the Setup Wizard on established FocalScope instances

    Let us help

    If you have any questions, or need further support, please don’t hesitate to reach out.