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How to safeguard emails from potentially dangerous content

FocalScope (just like most other email clients) will block 'potentially harmful' content in emails (images from the internet, active code, etc.). This behavior is by design and protects users from email attacks. This article will explain how to safely forward emails with blocked content.


Identifying an email with blocked content

An email with blocked content can be detected in the following ways:

  1. In the preview of the email there will be a yellow bar (highlighted in red in Figure 1) that displays a message about the blocked content. You can click the yellow bar to show the blocked content
  2. When an email is opened, in the [Message Properties] window, there will be a yellow bar (highlighted in red in Figure 2) that displays a message about the blocked content. You can click on the yellow bar to show the blocked content

    Figure 1 - Blocked content notification (email preview)

    Figure 2 -  Blocked content notification (Message Properties window)

    Dispatching an email with blocked content

    1. Right click the email which contains the content (usually images) that was not properly forwarded and select [Forward > As attachment] (see Figure 3)
    2. A [New Message] window will appear and the original email (along with its contents) will be attached as an .eml file to the new email (see Figure 4)
    3. A new message can be typed into the email body, explaining to the recipient to open the attachment to see the previously blocked content

    Figure 3 - Forwarding an email as an attachment

    Figure 4 - Email (and images) attached as an .eml file

    Let us help

    If you have any questions, or need further support, please don’t hesitate to reach out.