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System Email Account
FocalScope can automatically generate e-mails for customers when they request certain information from the system, using the System E-mail Account. For example, if a customer wants to get the log for their live chat session they had with a FocalScope agent, this request will be sent to them as an e-mail via the system e-mail account. The system e-mail account is also used by the SLA feature (see the lessons Create SLA Profiles for more info on SLAs) and is the means by which e-mails are sent for SLA notifications, updates and breaches. This lesson will show you how to configure this account for use in FocalScope.
In the Administration screen, expand the [E-mail Accounts] node, expand the [System] node and right click in the right pane and select [New...]. This will launch the "E-mail account Properties" page where we will configure the system e-mail account.
Complete the SMTP section with the details of your service and ports used. The POP3 section should only be filled in if the server requires POP3 authentication before SMTP authentication. Since this e-mail account is only used for sending mail, not receiving, it is not necessary to enter POP3 information, unless your e-mail server requires POP3 authentication first. Once you entered the required settings you may test the SMTP & POP3 connections, if you get a dialog reporting success, you are done.
We need not concern ourselves with the "Advanced" tab for now. Click [Ok] to create the e-mail account.
The [Outgoing] subfolder will show e-mail messages as they are being sent by the system, if a message jams it will stay in this folder, you can right click a jammed message and choose to resend or delete it. In the [Sent Items] subfolder, you will see messages that have successfully been sent.
Example of the System E-mail Account in Action
An example of where the system e-mail account is used is shown next. This will show you how to send a customer his/her live chat log, which uses the system e-mail account to dispatch the e-mail. Customers can, in a similar way, request such a log to be sent on their side, as the live chat module has a similar interface for the same function.
Again in the Administration screen, expand the [Instant messaging], [Live Chat] nodes & select the [History] folder. In the right pane are the live chat logs, double click the chat log you wish to send to that same live chat user. The system e-mail account will send the log to the e-mail address the live chat user entered upon registration.
Under the [Chat Log] tab, you will see the conversation with the live chat user. You can send this whole conversation to the user by clicking the E-mail button as highlighted. The e-mail the live chat user entered is displayed, but this can be changed if the log needs to be sent to a different e-mail. The e-mail will be dispatched using the system e-mail account we configured in the previous steps and will show up under the [Sent Items] subfolder of the [System] node, once successfully delivered.