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- Email ticketing
- Users and accounts
Shared Email Accounts
For a newly created ticketbox, we need to add an e-mail account to associate with the ticketbox. This e-mail account will be used to send and receive e-mails meant for this ticketbox.
Add a Ticketbox Email Account
Click the administration tab in the lower left corner of the left pane, in the administration screen.
Expand the [E-mail Accounts] node and click on the [Dedicated to a ticketbox] folder. Existing ticketbox e-mail accounts will be displayed in the right pane.
Fill in the required information to create a new ticketbox e-mail account in FocalScope. Complete each e-mail setting/field as follows:
- Key in the e-mail address for this ticketbox in the first field.
- Key in the ticketbox name for in the “Display Name” field.
- Check the [Schedule this account to check new emails automatically] flag and set [Check every:] "1 min”.
- Key in mail server IP address or FQDN in the “Server name(address)” field under incoming server (leave port 110 unchanged).
- Key in the username and password. The e-mail account must be created on your E-mail Server in order to access it in FocalScope.
- Key in mail server IP address or FQDN for the outgoing server, this is the same as the incoming server.
- In the [Log on to outgoing server as:] dropdown field, select [Same as onto the incoming server].
Link e-mail to Ticketbox
- Click the [Ticketboxes] tab.
- Click the [Add] button to make a selection from the existing ticketboxes. If you do not have an existing ticketbox to link this e-mail account to, see the lesson Adding a New Ticketbox to learn how to create one.
- A popup with a list of existing ticketboxes, in the system, will appear. Click on one of the folders and click [OK] to add it. Multiple ticketboxes may be added and linked to this e-mail address, repeat this step to add another ticketbox to this e-mail.
Once you have configured the e-mail account and added ticketbox(es) to it, click [OK] to finish setup.
To confirm you have completed this process correctly, go to the User Workspace by clicking on the [Screen] tab and selecting [Workspace], then click on the ticketbox for which you have just set-up a dedicated e-mail account.
Right click anywhere on the right pane, then select [New...] to create a new message. A new message editor appears as shown. The [From] field should show the e-mail account which is associated with this ticketbox.
Delete an E-mail Account
Deleting an e-mail account will not delete e-mails that are already downloaded into FocalScope, however a user will no longer be able to send or receive e-mails via that e-mail account, inside FocalScope.
In the right pane, select the e-mail account to delete. Right click, and choose [Delete].