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Search for tickets, notes, and chats using the Finder tool
Keeping track of individual messages in a tidal wave of support and other queries can prove to be a handful. To help you find the email, ticket, note, or chat that you are looking for, FocalScope has the Finder tool. This article details how the Finder tool is used to locate specific emails, notes, and chats.
Searching for emails / tickets
To access the Find tool, do as follows:
- In the [Main toolbar], click the [Find] button. Optionally, click the drop-down button to search in the currently selected folder, or to invoke a saved search (explained further down in this section)
The following is a breakdown of each search option and what it does:
- Folder - the folder(s) to which the scope of the search is limited. Click the [Include sub-folders] tab to drill search down to sub-folders. Click the [...] button to select multiple ticketboxes or the folder icon to select the currently selected folder
- From address - the email address(es) of the sender(s) of the email. Click the [...] button right of the field to configure wildcards
- To address - the email address(es) of the recipient(s) of the email. Click the [...] button right of the field to configure wildcards
- Subject - keyword(s) or string to search for in the email subject line. Click the [...] button right of the field to see full-text search options
- Body - keyword(s) or string to search for in the email body. Click the [...] button right of the field to see full-text search options
- From and To - the date and time range for the search to use
- Filtering by date of - which time stamp to use, i.e., when email was received or ticket was created / modified / closed
[Advanced search] options:
- Ticket State - what ticket state to limit search to, i.e., any state, open, on hold, closed, or reopened tickets
- Agent - name of the agent which the ticket is assigned to. To limit search to tickets that have not been assigned to any agent, click [Unassigned] button
- Note - keyword(s) or string to search for in the email's note. Click the [...] button right of the field to see full-text search options
- Category - the category (and, optionally, value) assigned to the ticket
- Account - the email account(s) through which the email was processed in the system. Click the [...] button right of the field to select multiple email accounts
- Incoming, Outgoing, Drafts... - filters used to define what objects or conditions to include or exclude in search
[Save As] options:
- Enter a unique name in the left field and click [Save As] button. This will save a copy of the search configuration for future use
- To reload a saved search configuration, select it from the left field's drop-down list
- To delete a saved search configuration, select it from the left field's drop-down list and click [Delete]
Search buttons:
- If you wish to perform a search only for reference purposes, click the [Search] button. The search results load in the [Finder tool] window
- If you wish to perform drag-and-drop (or other actions, e.g., alter the ticket state, assign a category, etc.) on search results, click the [Process] button. This method is fully explained here
Figure 1 - Searching for emails / tickets
Searching for notes
The following is a breakdown of each search option and what it does:
- Folder - the folder(s) to which the scope of the search is limited. Click the [Include sub-folders] tab to drill search down to sub-folders. Click the [...] button to select multiple ticketboxes or the folder icon to select the currently selected folder
- Subject - keyword(s) or string to search for in the note subject line. Click the [...] button right of the field to see full-text search options
- Body - keyword(s) or string to search for in the note body. Click the [...] button right of the field to see full-text search options
[Date/Time] options:
- From and To - the date and time range for the search to use
[Save As] options:
- Enter a unique name in the left field and click [Save As] button. This will save a copy of the search configuration for future use
- To reload a saved search configuration, select it from the left field's drop-down list
- To delete a saved search configuration, select it from the left field's drop-down list and click [Delete]
Search buttons:
- If you wish to perform a search only for reference purposes, click the [Search] button. The search results load in the [Finder tool] window
- If you wish to perform drag-and-drop (or other actions) on search results, click the [Process] button
Figure 2 - Searching for notes
Searching for chats
The following is a breakdown of each search option and what it does:
- Text - the keyword(s) or phrase to search for in the chat log. Click the [...] button right of the field to see full-text search options
- Customer - the name of the customer whose chat(s) to search for. Click the [...] button right of the field to see full-text search options
- Custom field - the keyword(s) or phrase to search for in the Live Chat custom field (if used). Click the [...] button right of the field to see full-text search options
- Agent - name of the agent which the chat is assigned to
[Date/Time] options:
- From and To - the date and time range for the search to use
[Save As] options:
- Enter a unique name in the left field and click [Save As] button. This will save a copy of the search configuration for future use
- To reload a saved search configuration, select it from the left field's drop-down list
- To delete a saved search configuration, select it from the left field's drop-down list and click [Delete]
Search buttons:
- If you wish to perform a search only for reference purposes, click the [Search] button. The search results load in the [Finder tool] window
- If you wish to perform drag-and-drop (or other actions) on search results, click the [Process] button
Figure 3 - Searching for chats