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Understanding 'incoming-reply' pairs for response-time reports

The statistical data in FocalScope reports can appear misrepresented or even nonsensical if the report filter and incoming-reply pairs are not properly understood. Reports evaluate an incoming message as well as the first reply to it as a pair (called an incoming-reply pair). This article details what an incoming-reply pair looks like as well as how they are used to determine agent response times in various FocalScope reports.


Spotting an 'incoming-reply' pair

Please note: Messages are artificially colored for enhancement purposes only. Green-colored messages indicate the incoming message of the incoming-reply pair, while red-colored messages indicate the reply message of the incoming-reply pair.

  1. John Smith's email arrives in FocalScope and ticket 10447 is created (green message inside the black box)
  2. When the first reply is sent to John Smith's email (red message inside the black box) the incoming-reply pair will be complete and ticket 10447 will be eligible to appear in response-time reports
  3. The report will count all incoming-reply pairs in each ticket, and if a ticket has multiple replies to an incoming message, only the first (earliest) reply to it will be used to determine the response time

Figure 1 - Spotting incoming-reply pairs

Special notes

This section explains the cause of the disparity, which may be seen in reports that only evaluate tickets over a short period of time. 

  1. When the report filters are set, pay close attention to the [filter by date of] field (highlighted in red in Figure 2). If the filter is set to [incoming], then the incoming message of the incoming-reply pair must fall within the date range set for the report (highlighted in blue), or else the ticket will be omitted from the report. The same is true if the  [filter by date of] is set to [reply], then the reply message of the incoming-reply pair has to fall within the date range set for the report, or else the ticket will be omitted from the report
  2. If a specific ticket is not included in the report, check the [filter by date of] field) and verify that the relevant incoming or reply message of the incoming-reply pair falls within the date range set for the report. An example of an omitted ticket (by way of date-range mismatch with the report settings in Figure 2) can be seen in Figure 3
  3. Please note: Messages that have no replies will not be included in the report as they don't have a complete incoming-reply pair.

Figure 2 - Report filters to pay special attention to

Figure 3 - Date range of an incoming-reply pair

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