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Search for E-mail Messages
In FocalScope you can search for e-mails with a variety of search criteria. This lesson will demonstrate how that is done.
Assessing the Finder Tool
Click on the [Find] button at the top menu bar to activate the finder tool.
Under the [Email] tab, search for e-mail messages by filling gin the filtering fields. Each is explained in the steps below.
Search for E-mails in a Specified Folder
- If you would like to search for e-mails from a particular ticketbox or personal folder, to which you have access, click on the [...] button to select the folder to search in.
- Tick the checkbox if you wish to search for subfolders of the selected ticketbox.
- Click on the [X] button to clear the selection.
- Click on the "Folder" icon to select the current folder of the workspace agent is in.
Search for E-mails Sent from/to Selected Address(es)
Clicking on the [...] button for the "From address" and "To address" fields will generate the contact dialog. You may search for contacts that are saved in the system in these 2 search fields.
Search for E-mails Containing Certain Words/Phrases in the Subject/Body Fields
Click on the [...] buttons of the respective fields to search using phrases or words in the subject or body of an e-mail. A Full Text Search web page dialog will appear, specify your search criteria there. The below further explains how the text search dialog works.
Full Text Search - Simple Tab
Agents just need to type a keyword or words to look for. For example, as shown in the image above, "test" is the keyword used to search for an e-mail with this subject. Click [Ok,] to confirm search criteria for subject.
Click the [Preview] button to generate the search results. All e-mails containing the word "test", in the subject field, will be displayed.
Full Text Search - Advanced Tab
If you wish to narrow down the search results, you may search using the advanced tab.
With all of the words - Searches and displays the e-mails that contain all the words entered in this field.
With exact phrase - Searches and displays the e-mails that contain the exact phrase entered in this field.
With at least one of the words - Multiple words can be entered here, e-mails that contain any one of the words will be displayed in the search results.
Without the words - Will search for e-mails where the body of the e-mail does not contain this word.
Date & Time Option : Date & Time
Specify the date range of the e-mails you wish to view. The dropdown calendar is used for selecting the dates in each field.
In the [From date:] and [To date:] fields you may specific date and time ranges, number of hours back from the current time or the number of days/weeks/months ago from the current date.
Date & Time Option: Several Hours Back
To filter e-mails for the current date, you may use the [Several hours back] filtering option. Specify the number of hours you want to go back on the current date, in the highlighted field.
Date & Time Option: Yesterday, Last Week Etc.
You may also specify by number of days, weeks or months ago.
- Select whether you wish to find e-mails that are open/closed or on hold.
- Search for e-mails that are assigned to a particular agent by selecting the agent's name from this dropdown list. Click on the [Unassigned] button to search for tickets that do not belong to any agents.
- Look for e-mails that contain notes with keywords specified in this field. Click on [...] to specify the keywords.
- Click on [...] to specify user accounts to search.
- Check the flag for the type of e-mail you wish to look for. The fields are self-explanatory.
Save/Modify or Delete Search Results
Clicking on the dropdown displays the list of previously saved search results. Clicking on [Last Search] displays the fields that were filled in, in the previous search.
To save a new search result, clear the textbox, click on [Save As] to save your search results.
To permanently remove saved search result, first select the saved item from the list, then click the [Delete] button to remove search results.
To update previously saved search results, select the results you wish to update from the dropdown list. Make the changes that you wish in the various search criteria, then click on [Save As]. A popup will prompt you to confirm the changes.