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What are the difference between the queue ring strategies?
What are the difference between the queue ring strategies?
Available Ring Strategy:
Ring All - Rings all phones at the same time.
Fewest Answered -The Agent which has taken the fewest calls since log in is given the call. Becareful choosing this option if you Agents login at significantly different times of the day. An Agent that logs in after all other agents have taken 30 calls will recieve the next 30 calls.
If the Agent who has taken the fewest calls is currently on a call then the next agent with the fewest calls will be given the call.
Least Talk Time - It delivers the call to the agent who has answered the least calls among other agents. Agents perceive this method as being the fairest distribution of labour.
Round Robin - On subsequent calls the system remembers the last agent it tried and starts the sequence from the next agent.
Sequential - Rings agent in sequence from the top of the list in the members tab of the queue configuration.
Enable call waiting (Checkbox) – If you enable this, calls to the queue will ring agents who are busy on another call.