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.NET Framework 4.5 Installation

FocalScope requires .NET Framework 4.5 to be installed on the hosting server. In this section we will focus on installing .NET Framework 4.5 using the server manager in Windows Server 2008/R2.

Dependencies - .NET Framework 4.5 - Installation

To install .NET Framework 4.5, open your server manager and go to the "Features", click [Add Features] on the right.

On the screen that opens...

  1. Expand the ".NET Framework 4.5.1 Features".
  2. Tick the ".NET Framework 4.5.1" checkbox to add this feature (Should any popups appear, simply click the [Add Required Features] button).
  3. Once done, Click [Next]...

The next screen simply shows us an overview of our configuration for the feature we chose, simply click [Install] to finish adding the role.

You have now added the .NET Framework 4.5 dependency, as required by FocalScope. Simply click the [Close] button. We will now proceed to installing the next FocalScope dependency.

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