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Email Rules
E-mail Processing Rules is a very powerful tool in FocalScope which allows you fine grained configuration options to how e-mails coming into your FocalScope environment are treated and sorted, based on an array of conditional statements. Administrators can define as many e-mail processing rules as may be required. This lesson explains all available rules and settings at your disposal in FocalScope.
Creating a New Rule
In the Administration screen, expand the [Global Configuration] node and click the [E-mail Processing Rules] folder. Existing e-mail processing rules (if any) will be listed in the right pane. To add a new rule, right click on the right pane and then select [New...].
The "Message Processing Rules" window appears. An administrator needs to specify the rule properties, conditions and actions before the message processing rules will take effect.
General Rule Properties
The "General Rule Properties" section allows administrators to control where a particular rule will be applied, by specifying so in the following 3 fields:
- The [Name] field is where you give your rule a meaningful name.
- The [Active in profile:] field states whether this rule applies to the entire System (the default option) and thus every user that logs into it or you may choose to apply to another agent's profile where the process rule will only be effected on the selected user's profile.
- The [Turn on:] flag. Instead of deleting the rule and having to recreate the same rule at a later time, a check box is provided and allows you to activate or deactivate this rule. This field is turned on by default, uncheck the box to disable the active rule defined in this window.
Select Rule Conditions
Rule Conditions are the prerequisite that a particular mail has to satisfy for the message processing rules to apply. Tick the check boxes which you wish to apply conditions to and click on the underlined words in blue to specify the conditions. One or more conditions may be applied. The below explains each condition...
- From any of people or distribution list: Looks at the "From" field of incoming messages of any e-mails that are sent from the selected people. A contact dialog will appear for administrators to select the people to add. Any e-mail from the specified person will be processed by this rule's actions.
- Through any of specified accounts: Select the accounts that are affected by this rule, a pop up box with the full list of accounts will appear for administrators to choose from. Hold the Ctrl key to select multiple accounts.
- Sent to any of people or distribution list: E-mails that have a contact specified in the "Sent" field will be processed by the rule. A contact dialog will appear for administrators to select the people they wish to add. Any e-mail sent to the specified person will be processed by this rule's actions.
- Subject contains specified sub string: A text parameter dialog will appear. Enter a word or phrase in the "text" field. All e-mails containing the entered text(s) will be processed by this rule's actions.
- With any of specified keywords in the subject: Specify what keywords, if contained in the "Subject" field of a message, would trigger the rule's actions. You will see a text area dialog box for you to enter the text that appears in subjects.
Specify Rule Actions
Rule actions will tell the e-mail processing rule how to process the emails that are identified by the rule conditions. One or more actions may be applied. The below explains each rule action:
- [Put copy into the specified folder] This options lets you select which folder you want the e-mails, that satisfy the conditions selected from the rule conditions, to be routed to and appear in the particular folder selected here. Only one folder can be selected.
- [Mark with specified color]: The e-mails that are processed will appear with this color tagged to them. A color picker will appear for you to indicate the tagging color for processed messages.
- [Disable autoresponder] Tick this check box if you do not want to send auto-responders for e-mails on which rule conditions have triggered.
Refine Rule Properties
- This is where the conditions and actions specified are summarized and reviewed. All the selected and defined conditions or actions for the rule will appear in this area.
For example:
(Condition): All e-mail from the address "demo@focalscopedemo.com" sent to "megan@globe-telecoms.com" will be...
(Action): Copy into [Shared Items/Ticketboxes/3.3 Customer Service - USA] Folder and marked with red color. - Administrators can still click on the underlined blue links if they wish to make amendments.
Click [Ok] to complete this E-mail Processing Rule. You can now define more rules as may be required.