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Hot off the FocalScope press

Email ticketing
Live chat

Translate incoming and outgoing emails with 100+ languages

Translate incoming and outgoing email tickets in the native languages of your global customers—without incurring the additional overheads.

Boost TMC productivity with Amadeus, Sabre, Travelport integrations

Travel management companies can unlock greater productivity and boost handling times via integrations with global distribution systems Amadeus, Sabre and Travelport.

6 ways to delight customers during the holiday season

Delight customers and capture peak sales by managing increased ticket volumes and service expectations during the upcoming holiday season.

Deflect tickets and automate answers with our new chatbots

Leverage our self-learning chatbots like an extra team member. Let them automate basic tasks, provide instant answers, and deflect tickets.

Enable two-factor authentication (2FA) for data security

Protect customer, employee and enterprise data with two-factor authentication (2fA) and the latest, best-in-class security measures in FocalScope.

Manage all messages & comments with the Facebook integration

Make the most of your social media presence with our new Facebook integration. Interact with all customer messages and comments in one place.

Protect sensitive customer information via data masking

Leverage our data masking tool to hide sensitive customer data, and comply with privacy and data protection laws such as the GDPR and PDPA.

Search within file attachments with our enhanced search tool

FocalScope's enhanced search tool improves accuracy, reduces effort, and allows searching within attachment files.

Guide to customer service training for new or struggling agents

Leverage our built-in customer service training features to coach new or struggling agents for both email and voice support.

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