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How to focus on underlying data in Excel pivot tables / charts

This article details how you can focus on the underlying FocalScope data that was used to calculated the results in pivot tables and charts. This feature is useful for a more detailed inspection of data that has been averaged or processed in some other way, and can assist users to better understand what certain pivot tables / charts represent.


Inspecting underlying data in Excel pivot tables / charts

After successfully generating a FocalScope report in Excel format, do as follows:

  1. In any populated pivot table / chart, locate the field or graph for which you want to see what raw FocalScope data was used to generate the result, right-click it and select [Show Details]
  2. A new Excel sheet will be created [highlighted in blue], which contains the raw report data that was used to calculated the selected result in the pivot table / chart

Figure 1 - Inspecting underlying data used in Excel pivot tables / charts

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